Jun 7, 2012


Recently I've been letting all of my bad photos get me down. When I look at them I want a new camera, a nicer camera. But if I actually look through my photos I can tell that the bad ones are the ones I just took, the ones I didn't put any thought into. I still wish I could afford a nicer camera, but the camera I have is far better than a point and shoot and I can achieve what I want to with it, if I take the time to set the shot up. The same would ring true even if I did have a Canon 5D Mark II (which I hope to upgrade to sometime in the future). I need to be content with what I have, because only then will I grow as a photographer.

On Tuesday we were watching the transit of Venus and I saw the grass in the photo above glowing from the setting sun. I took time to adjust my settings properly and frame the shot how I wanted it. I put thought into the photo before I even took it and I love the result.

It was while looking at this photo that I realized how much I need to remember that the camera doesn't make the photographer.


  1. Beautiful Leah!! I love your blog and what it has become. It is so well written and insightful! Not mention, your layout is gorgeous :)
