Feb 12, 2012

Truffle Triumph

Yes, that's right, I made truffles. Chocolate and sea salt truffles to be exact.
They. Are. DIVINE.
Rich chocolatey goodness all tied together perfectly with sea salt. I actually really like salt. I think I may have an unnatural like for it. That's how much I like it.

Anyhoo. Here's the very undetailed story of how they were made. The super special ingredients: bittersweet chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate chips, sweetened condensed milk, vanilla, melting chocolate, and sea salt.

I also learned that our kitchen has really bad lighting for photography. Add that to the fact that it was night...ugly SOOC pictures...but Lightroom helped me fix them to a point where I was somewhat ok with how they turned out. :P
Mixing the bowl of melted chocolatey goodness. And look at that chocolate bokeh. I didn't think I could love bokeh anymore....but it's CHOCOLATE BOKEH. Everything is better with chocolate.
Then I rolled them into little balls...which I didn't get a picture of...and then dipped them in the melting chocolate.
And then sprinkled them with little flakes of saltiness. I told my mom that I wanted to take a picture of the salt WHILE it was falling and she said, "You can do that?!" Proof.
And then you have a whole tray of amazing little chocolate balls, also known as truffles.
Then you get to wait until morning for natural light so you can take pretty picture of them (two of which are at the beginning of this post). And that is red sea salt you sea...hehe, sea what I just did there? And there?
Oh, and I made a mustache too! :D
Because I like mustaches so much that my brother got me a mustache cookie cutter for Christmas. And I hadn't used it so I just had to. It's a very chocolatey mustache. :)

Hope you're having a wonderful day!


  1. Love your new bloggie! Those truffles look delicious. :D Can I have one?? ;)

    BTW, I LOVE your blog banner. I've always loved ones in that style...I may have to copy you and make one like that. (For some reason I can't stop changing my banner, I'm never satisfied) Do you mind? ;)

  2. Wonderful! Love, love, love your new banner... and your new blog in general. And those chocolates look SO YUMMY.

  3. Thanks girls! I'm really excited about this blog. :D

  4. the truffles look really good
